St. Mary's Episcopal Church

All Are Welcome
Worship with us at 11am each Sunday. We have Morning Prayer except for the second Sunday each month, when we have Holy Communion celebrated by the Rev. Paula Jefferson..
Read more about worship in an Episcopal Church
We use the Book of Common Prayer, which you can explore here.
St. Mary’s, Hillsboro, is a part of the Episcopal Church in North Texas, a diocese of The Episcopal Church., which is part of the Worldwide Anglican Communion. We are a small but vibrant faithful congregation. This year marks our 150th Anniversary.
We were founded in 1872 and we are the oldest continuing Episcopal parish in the Episcopal Church in North Texas. For 150 years, we have carried out the mission and ministry of The Episcopal Church, obeying Jesus’ command to love God and love our neighbors as ourselves. In 2008, after the then-bishop left The Episcopal Church to become part of another church, we carried on as Episcopalians. Until February 2021, we shared space with a non-Episcopalian congregation in the historic building on Abbott Street.
We are now worshiping at 301 S. Waco Street, Hillsboro, a building we renovated ourselves. (Note: The group worshiping in the building on Abbott Street is not affiliated with The Episcopal Church and are not part of the Anglican Communion., even though their name uses the word “Anglican.”)
While we have deep roots in Hillsboro, we are welcoming of all seekers and newcomers.
We share the mission of The Episcopal Church – to reconcile the world to God through Jesus Christ.
We are served by a visiting priest, the Rev. Paula Jefferson, who celebrates Holy Communion with us once a month. On other Sundays, we have Morning Prayer.
Paula Jefferson is on the staff of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller. She earned a Master of Divinity degree at The Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest in 2018. After postulancy, Paula was ordained into the Deaconate in June 2020, and to the priesthood in December 2020. Pastoral care and Christian formation are her areas of emphasis.